Leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) for enhancing relationship management has become a business necessity. Squivr, being at the forefront of relationship management, provides a robust suite of products to drive your AI strategy.

Activate your AI with Squivr to optimize your investment in Salesforce & Salesforce Einstein to help businesses build relationships, personalize customer interactions, and predict future trends.

JP Leggett

Activating Your AI with Relationship Management with Squivr in Salesforce:

  • Define Your AI Objectives

    Before diving into the technicalities, outline what you aim to achieve with AI in your relationship management strategy. Whether it's improving customer service, personalizing marketing campaigns, or increasing sales predictions accuracy, having clear objectives will guide your AI implementation process.

  • Collect and Clean Your Data

    AI thrives on data. The accuracy and effectiveness of your AI predictions depend heavily on the quality and quantity of the data you feed into the system. Ensure your Salesforce data is clean, up-to-date, and comprehensive. This includes customer data, interaction logs, sales history, and any other relevant information that can be analyzed by AI.

  • Leverage Your Platform

    Squivr helps you active AI in Salesforce. With your objectives in place and data ready, start exploring Einstein's features

    • Einstein Prediction Builder: Create custom AI models to predict outcomes based on your Salesforce data. Use it to forecast sales, identify high-risk customers, or anything that aligns with your objectives.

    • Einstein Next Best Action: Automate recommendations for your team's next steps. This could suggest the best upsell opportunities to a sales rep or advise support staff on resolving customer issues.

    • Einstein Language and Vision: Utilize natural language processing to analyze text data from emails, social media, and web chatter to gauge customer sentiment. Similarly, Einstein Vision can classify images for various applications, like sorting product photos or identifying logos.

  • Integrate and Automate Workflows

    With AI models and tools in place, the next step is to integrate them into your daily workflows. Automate routine tasks, like data entry or lead scoring, to allow your team to focus on more strategic activities. Use Einstein's insights to guide decision-making in real-time, ensuring a more personalized and efficient customer experience.

  • Monitor and Iterate

    AI is not a set-it-and-forget-it solution. Continuous monitoring of your AI tools' performance is crucial. Evaluate the predictions' accuracy, the impact on customer satisfaction, and overall business outcomes. Use these insights to refine your models and strategies, ensuring your AI evolves with your business needs and market changes.

  • Stay Informed and Compliant

    Lastly, keep abreast of the latest AI advancements and ethical guidelines. AI in CRM is a rapidly evolving field, with new features and capabilities regularly introduced. Additionally, ensure your use of AI complies with data protection regulations like GDPR or CCPA, respecting customer privacy and consent.