What is a Salesforce Native Application?

What is a Salesforce Native Application?

Salesforce native - means an app is built on the Salesforce platform and runs within Salesforce. This is in contrast to non-native apps, which are built outside of Salesforce and have to integrate with it using the Salesforce API.

There are several advantages to using Salesforce native apps:

  • Security: Salesforce native apps are more secure because they are built on the same platform as Salesforce and are subject to the same security standards. This means that your data is less likely to be exposed to security risks.

  • Performance: Salesforce native apps are typically more performant than non-native apps because they do not have to go through the overhead of integrating with Salesforce. This means that you can get faster access to your data and your apps will be more responsive.

  • Integration: Salesforce native apps are easier to integrate with other Salesforce native apps. This means that you can easily build a cohesive system of apps that work together seamlessly.

  • Maintainability: Salesforce native apps are easier to maintain because they are built on the same platform as Salesforce. This means that Salesforce developers are familiar with the code and can make changes more easily.

Overall, Salesforce native apps offer a number of advantages over non-native apps. If you are looking for a secure, performant, and easy-to-maintain app, then a Salesforce native app is the best choice.

Here are some benefits of using Salesforce native apps:

  • Real-time data: Salesforce native apps have real-time access to Salesforce data, so you can always be sure that you are working with the latest information.

  • User experience: Salesforce native apps are designed to work seamlessly with the Salesforce user interface, so your users will have a consistent experience no matter what app they are using.

  • Scalability: Salesforce native apps can be scaled to meet the needs of your organization, so you can be confident that your apps will be able to handle your growing business.

  • Customization: Salesforce native apps are highly customizable, so you can tailor them to the specific needs of your users, teams, and organization.

If you are considering using Salesforce apps, I recommend that you choose Salesforce native apps whenever possible. They offer several advantages that can help you to improve your business operations.

Full Disclosure - SQUIVR is a Salesforce Native Application 💯

more info - info@squivr.com


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